职业资源中心 塑造你的故事

Let this place, this community, and its people help you navigate your direction in life. 

的 tools 列表ed below play an important part in helping you define your path during and after Westmont by acknowledging your abilities, 了解你的价值观和什么对你最重要, 认识到你的可转移技能. 安排在 握手 发掘你的价值观,深入挖掘.



资源 & 帮助塑造你故事的工具

选择你的专业是一件大事, 所以还是和教授谈谈吧, 父母和其他了解你的人. Meet with a Career Counselor to discover good-fit majors for you!

注意,我们没有提到一个ag娱乐官网工作或薪水的词. That's because after ten years in the work force 80% of college graduates work in careers outside their major.

是的, you need to pay the bills and we encourage you to strive for success, but first understand that you'll do more for yourself if you pursue a major that makes you want to learn, 发展你的创造性思维能力, 奖励你的好奇心.  的se are traits, no matter what major you choose, that will propel your professional career.


We suggest that you start thinking about majors in the second semester of your first year, while trying various classes in your first and second years to clarify your 利益. Meet with a Career Counselor to dissect who you are and what you are studying, 访问这个有用的页面 网站 that shows you what you can do with each major - the areas of work, 雇主, 以及实现目标的策略. 


这是一个 列表 威斯蒙特大学的主修和辅修课程.

可转移技能是一个流行语. 但这是一句流行语,因为这是真的.  的 things you learn in one circumstance can be applied (transferred) to many different opportunities.

可转移技能练习 is foundational to making your resume and LinkedIn profile stand out, 这对塑造你的面试技巧至关重要. You'll learn to evaluate your 技能 in terms of your level of interest and capacity.


Best suited for 学生 enrolled in senior seminar or internship classes. 登录 握手 与职业顾问预约技能培训.

What are the things that are most important to you in career decision making? 的 技能与价值观 card sort exercise can help you with the guidance of a  Career Counselor, critically assess and prioritize work related values and provides clarity so you can make better career decisions.


所有的学生. 登录 握手 与职业顾问预约技能培训.

我们准备好谈谈了, and we can provide one-on-one assistance at the significant crossroads during your time at Westmont.  Our Career Counselor and professional staff can provide you with a safe space for navigating future decisions.


所有的学生. 登录 握手 to schedule an appointment with a Career Counselor or career professional.

This tool aligns your 利益 with professionals in specific occupations that have similar 利益 to you. 这份清单将为合适的职业提供洞察力, 教育路径, 对你来说,健康的工作与生活平衡是什么样子的!  


For this tool to provide optimal results, we recommend you to have at least 一份工作经历 (实习和暑期工作)优先. 这通常包括二年级学生、三年级学生和四年级学生. 


Contact a career counselor for information about an access code to the assessment and  schedule a "strong interest inventory" appointment via 握手.  

访问我们的 讲述你的故事 页面提供最全面的帮助和资源.

An 信息性面试 is a valuable tool that can provide you with a window into the work that people actually do day to day. 这个简单的活动将澄清你的认知, gain insights on their work and how they got where they are in their careers as well as potentially provide you with important networking contacts for the future. 利用我们的 面试信息讲义. 

找工作 can be a challenge for a liberal arts graduate, but the fact is that the 技能 and characteristics you have developed in college and through your life experiences, 只是雇主想要的人吗.  Career counselors and professional staff can help you navigate this process. 请查看 求职手册 


所有的学生.  登录 握手 to schedule an appointment with a Career Counselor or professional staff.


实习是让你变得真实的最好方式, day-to-day insights on whether a company or job is right for you.  Employers often use internship programs to recruit 学生 for employment after graduation. 实习 can be paid/unpaid, for credit or not for credit. 不管你的实习安排如何, 这是你为离开韦斯特蒙特后的生活做准备的关键一步. 


所有的学生. 最适合二年级,三年级和四年级的学生.  登录 握手 to schedule an appointment with a Career Counselor or professional staff to more internship information.


看看 “实习有多大价值??"  from Forbes Magazine on the benefit of gaining experience through an internship. 


不管你的专业是什么, these "crash courses" in conversational literacy for key technologies (SalesForce, 谷歌分析, LinkedIn, Excel和其他软件)可以帮助你更好地做好市场准备.


所有的学生. 从职业资源中心寻找交流信息


Shaping Your Westmont (APP-080) is designed to equip 学生: (1) find direction surrounding major(s), 职业(s), and life decisions based on their individual characteristics (personality, 利益, 技能, 值), (2) increase confidence through decreasing anxiety around meaningful work, and (3) communicate these characteristics to potential employers (via resume, 面试, 找工作, 实习, 网络). This is an interactive course where 学生 will hear from faculty and professionals from a wide array of disciplines. 本课程将有助于培养自我意识, 增长, 和方向, 哪些可以帮助你探索职业选择, 设定目标, 追求有意义的生活.


All class levels (best-suited for first and second year 学生).  Look for APP-080 during registration to sign up for the class.

有意义的工作就在眼前. Carve out some time to learn more about jobs, trends, 增长 areas, and salary information. 看看 getting a job on campus to learn about on campus employment.  登录 握手 浏览一下列出的工作和实习机会.




需要更多ag娱乐官网工作和职业的信息? 的 职业展望手册, a U.S. 劳工统计局网站, 能帮你找到职位上的职业信息吗, 教育和培训, 数百种职业的薪酬和前景.

我的下一步行动, a U.S. 劳工部赞助的网站, has detailed descriptions of the world of work for use by job seekers, 人力资源发展和人力资源专业人员, 学生, 研究人员, 和更多的.

Career Cafe is a monthly gathering that provides you the opportunity to talk with employers about 实习 or employment, find out more about a specific industry and develop your networking 技能 in a casual environment.




Career Cafe is typically held on Monday evenings, once in September, January, and April. Look for emails and other communications from the COVE就业中心.