生物学 专业 & 度

Dig deeper into the natural world as you explore living systems and human life in the lab and the field.

Work closely with Christian professors who introduce you to creative and rigorous scientific investigation in a classroom that includes the mountains, 海岸和海峡群岛. Through coursework and independent reSearch, you learn laboratory techniques and field methods. 你甚至可以与老师和同学一起进行高级研究. Professors integrate 生物学 and faith and discuss issues related to science, ethics and culture. Rigorous study combined with personal attention prepares you for rewarding and challenging work in the lab and the environmental, 生物技术和健康领域.

生物学痕迹 & 需求

The 生物学 department offers three options leading to a bachelor of science degree in 生物学-提供生物学所有领域的全面介绍的一般轨道, a more specialized track emphasizing cellular and molecular 生物学 and a track emphasizing environmental 生物学 and natural history. 每条赛道都由生物系的低级课程组成, 数学, 以及物理科学, 加上各种必修和选修的高年级课程.






The bachelor of arts major in 生物学 consists of lower- and upper-division course work in 生物学 and supporting physical sciences and 数学. 该计划是为希望获得 在生物学上有很强的准备,同时也获得a 更广泛地接触专业以外的课程 一般来说,拥有理学学士学位是可能的.



  • 普通生物学I、II (4,4)

  • 高年级生物选修课(12)

生物学 majors may also be interested in completing an interdisciplinary Environmental Studies minor.


点击下面的链接查看ENV未成年人网站,并联系Dr. Amanda Sparkman报道.



Wherever your pre-health plans may ultimately lead you, they all share one key element: 坚实的生物学基础. 韦斯特蒙特大学的生物专业就是这样设计的.

Our classes will deepen your understanding of the wondrous complexities of the body.  And our reSearch experiences - including opportunities for discovery in neuroscience, 激素调节, and infectious disease - will train your mind to think scientifically and critically in a field that demands those skills.  更重要的是, these experiences are woven together with a consideration of the ethical and theological concerns that shape the practice of the health sciences - those "big picture" questions that are central to the work of any health practitioner.  We invite you to a major that will not only prepare you for admission to a graduate program, but also provide you with tools of critical and Christian thinking that are vital to a career of service in the health industry. 

点击这个链接查看我们的专业预科课程:牙科预科, pre-medicine, 预审核, pre-nursing, pre-pharmacy, pre-PA.


生物学 majors may also want to consider pursuing a K-12 teaching credential at Westmont.


如欲了解更多,请浏览教育署网页 教师资格证书计划 一般来说,以及 快速通道 尤其是生物学专业的学生.





健康科学(M).D., P.A.,执业护士,医学博士.O.(牙医、脊医、药剂师)
















知识产权/技术法(J.D., L.L.M.)








安东尼·沃尔德鲁普11届 在华盛顿州西南部担任流域恢复项目经理. “我非常喜欢它,”他说. “我能够与农民合作, 木材的主人, 当地ag娱乐官网成员和其他人参与改善流域健康的项目 & 函数.这些项目包括种植当地的河岸树木和灌木, 在河流中设置工程堵塞,为鱼类提供栖息地, 并实施海狸坝类似物来改善水/沉积物潴留. "I feel like my liberal arts education at Westmont really helped prepare me for this role that involves dialogue across multiple industries with a wide diversity of stakeholders."

艾伦·威尔克,16岁 毕业于化学、生物和音乐三门专业. 他写道:“我目前是斯坦福大学的一名医学博士/博士生,研究免疫学. This year my work has pivoted completely to studying COVID: specifically what makes a good vs. bad immune response to COVID, and developing ways to turn a bad one into a good one. 还在追求医师兼科学家的事业, 我希望能经营一个学术医学研究实验室,同时也能给病人看病."

玛丽·弗雷塔斯18岁 is currently working at the University of Minnesota while studying for her Masters in Public Health in Epidemiology. 作为大学的助教,她还被明尼苏达系聘用. 从事传染病研究. 她说: “如果没有韦斯特蒙特大学教授们的支持,我就不会站在这里, especially Dr Julio and Dr McQuade, who inspired me to pursue a degree in epidemiology."

凯蒂·韦斯特18岁 毕业于爱达荷州,获得医师助理硕士学位. 她现在住在博伊西,从事皮肤病学工作.

史蒂芬·豪,15岁 今年,他在为自己的仿生学和生物力学博士学位辩护! ——在阿克伦大学. "I studied fish swimming behaviors; specifically how fish turn."

克莱尔米oore的16 在洛马林达大学做家庭医学实习医生. “我和所有年龄段的人一起工作,从新生儿到老年人. 我很喜欢!“她喜欢和对医学感兴趣的大学生交谈.

作为放射肿瘤学领域的专家, 大卫·布什,1986年 治疗来自全国各地的癌症患者. He works as a physician and professor at Loma Linda University Medical Center in Loma Linda, Calif.该公司开创了前景广阔的质子放射治疗技术. 他对这种治疗形式做出了有价值的研究, 寻找帮助癌症患者康复的方法.

莎拉·布莱恩13岁 毕业于圣. 加勒比海的乔治大学, and is now doing her residency in internal medicine at MountainView hospital in Las Vegas. "I'm likely going on to pursue an emergency medicine fellowship after this,她说.

从洛马琳达医学院毕业后, 本·韦斯特15岁 came back to Cottage Hospital in SB for internship and is now an Ophthalmology resident at UC Davis. "One of the highlights of the past few years was getting to go back to Ensenada with Potters Clay and help out the Med/Dent team! I am still so grateful for my time at Westmont and I hope everyone in the Bio department is doing well."

凯特琳·刘易斯,14岁 graduated with her Masters in Medical Science and is currently working in LA as a Physician Assistant, 在低收入城市居民中开展新冠病毒检测. 

毕业后, 14岁的布兰登·科布尔 taught with Catalina Environmental Education Program (CELP) and with LA County Arboretum & 植物园. “在CELP项目中,我带领各个年龄段的学生进行生态冒险, 教他们ag娱乐官网环境的知识,以及如何更可持续地生活. 许多人以前从未到过海洋, 所以对我和他们来说,去浮潜是一个有趣的挑战, 皮划艇, 看看上帝的创造是怎样的." Nowadays Brandon uses his chemistry and general science background in his work at CalPortland Cement, 他在哪里管理实验室. He & his team are developing specialty concrete mix designs for high-profile projects in the LA metro area (think LACMA and LAX). 布兰登补充道: “我每天都感谢我在韦斯特蒙特接受的全面教育, 给了我成长的工具."

Erin LeVoir '15  在新奥尔良医学院念完第三年, 我在昆士兰读了第一年和第二年, 澳大利亚. “我在2020年初搬到了新奥尔良, just in time to escape the 澳大利亚n fires and jump right into the COVID-19 pandemic,她说. “从这个角度来应对一场大流行既有趣又具有挑战性.在发现了对“一切与大脑有关的东西”的热爱之后, 她将在2021年获得医学博士学位后申请神经病学住院医师.

马克·邓肯10岁 是科罗拉多大学医院的一名住院医生, 他现在是那里的助理教授. 他很高兴地说:“我可以做很多教学工作。. 

Stephen Avila '14 他希望在2021年5月完成他的医学博士和商业集中, 届时他将从印第安纳大学回到圣巴巴拉结婚! "I'm going into neurology and currently doing some Moyamoya disease reSearch and some business consulting for ENT clinics on the side." He hopes to do his residency in California so as to be near his father who has made a full recovery from invasive Stage IV cancer. 目前就读于南加州大学药学院,

梅西·吉普森,19岁 她计划在接下来的四年里获得药理学博士学位.   她正在攻读博士学位.D. 在药物基因学, 这需要额外的三年时间, 这样她就可以同时做药剂师和科学家了.

玛丽·伊丽莎白·赫德,18岁 is working on a women-focused social enterprise that she started in a small southern village in India.  She is also reSearching different sustainable agricultural methods that have been used to create job opportunities for village people there.  She has spent time in Dehradun where an organization is doing reSearch on how sustainable farming can alleviate poverty. 

Torin Shaikh '14 在韦斯特蒙特大学有两大爱好:棒球 & 生物学. After graduation he played professional baseball in Japan for two years before returning to join his family's optical & 加州航空航天制造企业:TFD Inc.  He explains: "The business is built upon Thin Film technologies such as High Vacuum chambers, 等离子体气相沉积, 以及其他类似于半导体的制造方法. 从工艺工程师开始,我现在是生产/工程副总裁. 学习机械是有益的 & 有生物学背景的化学工程, 如果没有在韦斯特蒙的经历,我不可能走到今天."